Wind Turbines the Culprit?

According to this article from the BBC, wind turbines that leak a gas called SF6 may be contributing to climate change. Electrical equipment uses SF6 as an inert insulator, and some claim that it is a potent, heat-trapping greenhouse gas. Fortunately, most recent temperature data has shown a decrease and a slowing in global thermal readings…

Epping water tank

Plan Emerging for Epping Water & Sewer

Recently, I dropped off a letter in support of Epping’s application for grant money to upgrade our water treatment plant and extend our water line. While at the sewage treatment facility, I found out that Epping is on pace to make $1 million this year processing septic waste. That money will help to fund some…


Getting Re-Connected

Not that long ago, the U.S. had communities where softball leagues, bridge clubs, volleyball leagues, churches, model railroad clubs, bowling leagues and dozens of other civic and fraternal organizations flourished. These organizations allowed people to spend time together discussing their daily lives and the events and situations they cared about. People loved the time they…


Liberty Alliance Endorsement

So proud today to receive an endorsement from the NH Liberty Alliance for 2019. The letter states, “Congratulations on earning the official endorsement of the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance! On behalf of our Board of Directors, we thank you for making the sacrifice for your constituents and community by running for office. We at the…


So, It looks Impossible

The push to make a community or state, or even an entire country (like Canada or England), reliant 100% on renewable energy cannot actually be done by 2050. To do so would require the building of “a 1.5 gigawatt nuclear power plant every day” of the 11,000+ days between now and 2050. This article lays…


Science, or Not?

A quick search about global warming will turn up a surprising wealth of scientific studies by credentialed authors that cast serious doubt on the claims of impending disaster. But people purporting to believe in science dismiss these studies as somehow invalid. This dismissal of valid science frustrates many, including the President of the Josiah Bartlett…


Special Election in October

With the resignation in May of Rep. Sean Morrison, Epping voters are being asked to choose his replacement in a Special Election on October 8th. Former Rep. Michael Vose issued the following statement about this election: “My heartfelt thanks to everyone who came out to vote in the Primary on August 20th. I sincerely appreciated…


Bill Gardner for Secretary of State

This past June, a group of interested voters gathered in Epping to hear Secretary of State Bill Gardner give a fascinating presentation on the history of NH elections. While expecting a 20-minute overview, we were treated instead to an hour-long deep dive into both meaningful election statistics and to mesmerizing stories about the personalities that…