
Northern Pass

During the heated Northern Pass debate, I put the project in context to the rest of the state’s energy infrastructure in this Concord Monitor op-ed.


Does Cost Matter Anymore?

On October 3, 2016 a subcommittee of the Public Utility Commission’s Site Evaluation Committee held a public comment session on the application of Antrim Wind Energy to build nine 400-foot wind turbines on Tuttle Hill in Antrim, NH. I offered the following comment to the subcommittee: “Good morning. For the record, I am Representative Michael Vose,…

The Key to Prosperity

One of the tenets of my personal belief system is that individual freedom and liberty are basic human rights. This fascinating article in the Wall Street Journal explains how personal freedom unleashed an unprecedented explosion of progress in the developed nations of the world just since 1800. I also recommend Matt Ridley’s book The Evolution of Everthing which goes into great…